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Friday, August 29, 2008

I am using bf's Iphone to blog now as he's
playing dota using my lappy. (; cool. I couldn't
remove the nuffnang ads at the moment as I
don't really know how to use his phone, you see.
heard some news from Esther regarding we'd
night at dragonfly. (; therefore it made me feel
like blogging. (;
this post is specially dedicated to a guy name
Desmond. well well, if you've seen this post,
good for me. if not , just too bad.
well , if you rememer clearly , on the 08August07 ,
we fought outside Bowen sec school. not completely
say we fought , but rather you and some of your
guy friends interefering into girls' matter and beat
us. well , I just wanna tell you that , can you stop
behaving like a sissy?!
at least that time outside Bowen , my friend and I
FIGHT BACK like a man. unlike you , who RAN
AWAY like a dog when trouble comes to you.
sigh... I just pity your girlfriend. );
well , what can I say is that is only the beginning.
it's not the end yet. (; happily enjoy okay?
and ya , I hope this teaches you a lesson not
to be GL especially to GIRLS as you will never
know what might happen to you next. (;
and and and , I don't know whether you are acting
like a hero infront of your gf or you are just as timid
like a rat who only knows how to fight with girls.
and if you're acting hero infront of your gf , one
sentence for you , "action speaks louder than words"
as you never know if things like that were to happen
again and you'll only make yourself XIA SWAY!!!
and if you really are timid , please wear a skirt out
the next time instead. (;
I'm really sorry if I've embarrassed you but I dunno
why I just feel so great about it.
I'm waiting for you Desmond(;
beware of your back.

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